Jack Sempliner
Email: [first four letters of last name][first four letters of first name]@gmail.com
Until recently, I was a visitor at Imperial College London and I am on the job market this year. Before that from 2021-2024 I was a postdoc at Imperial College London where I was supported by the ERC grant of Toby Gee. Before (and indeed during) that I was a graduate student at Princeton University, where I was a PhD student of Richard Taylor. While at Princeton I was supported by the National Science Foundation under the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
Here is a link to my CV.
I work in number theory and arithmetic geometry. Specifically I have a focus on the geometry of Shimura varieties and moduli stacks of shtuka with applications towards the Langlands program. More recently I have been focusing on the p-adic geometry of Shimura varieties at infinite level, the geometry of Igusa stacks, and the geometry of the moduli stacks of Langlands parameters.
Papers and Preprints
- (with Pol van Hoften) On exotic Hecke correspondences. (In the final stages of preparation)
- (with Richard Taylor) On the formalism of Shimura varieties. Submitted. [pdf]
- (with Pol van Hoften) On the Piatetski-Shapiro Construction for integral models of Shimura varieties Submitted. [pdf], [arxiv]
- (with Richard Taylor) Cocycles for Kottwitz cohomology. Submitted. [arxiv]
- On uniformization of moduli stacks of shtuka and exotic isomorphisms of Igusa varieties. (PhD thesis, under revision)